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Investissement Québec (hereinafter "we", "our") uses state-of-the-art technology to protect the information exchanged on its website ( We have established security measures to protect your personal information and communications; however, it is essential that you take certain precautions to ensure the security of your personal information. This document details the security measures we have in place and the steps that you, as users, should take to ensure that the personal information exchanged via our website remains confidential.
When you access the My Account section, we verify your identity by asking you for a valid account number and password. Your assigned account number consists of ten (10) random numbers. The password you select must consist of a minimum of ten (10) alphanumeric characters, at least two (2) of which must be numbers. In addition, no single character can be repeated more than three (3) times in the same password.
Encryption of Information Transmitted Online
Encryption is a process by which data is converted into a secure format that prevents third parties from reading the information transmitted online. We use the 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, which transforms your data into an encrypted code that cannot be read during transmission. The information is decoded once it reaches its destination.
Investissement Québec uses a firewall to filter all attempts to access a computer or website in order to prevent any unauthorized attempts or intrusions.
In order to better protect your personal information, you will be automatically logged out of your My Account session if it remains inactive for more than forty-five (45) minutes. Once your work session has been interrupted and you have been logged off, you will have to re-enter your access codes (account number and password) in order to return to My Account.
Your account number and password are your identifiers in My Account. When you first log on, your will be prompted to select a secure password. Your password must consist of ten (10) alphanumeric characters (compulsory combination of letters and numbers), at least two (2) of which must be numbers. In addition, no single character can be repeated more than three (3) times in the same password. It is strongly recommended that you do not select a password based on personal data, such as your date of birth, place of residence or account number. My Account prompts you to change your password at least once a year in order to prevent any unauthorized access to your account.
We also strongly suggest that you disable the password memorization functions in your browser or any other similar program so as to ensure that your password is not saved automatically.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your account number and password are kept confidential. In the event that the confidentiality of this information is breached, you must inform us as soon as possible so as to enable us to prevent any fraudulent use of your account.
You will need a Web browser that is compatible with at least a 128-bit SSL protocol in order to use our My Account online services. Please make sure the security icon, a closed padlock, is displayed on your screen to ensure that personal information you transmit is secure. An open padlock means the security of your information is no longer ensured.
You can also tell from the address bar whether your SSL protocol is enabled; the latter is functioning if the address begins with "https" instead of "http".
Install a Firewall
We recommend that you install a recognized and up-to-date personal firewall on your computer. This type of program will provide additional protection against any attempts to gain unauthorized access to your computer.
Install an Anti-virus Program
Install a recognized and up-to-date anti-virus program to protect against viruses that can damage your computer. An anti-virus program can detect viruses and delete them from your computer to ensure that they do not spread. Viruses can damage your personal computer,and compromise the security of your confidential information.
Log off Securely and Empty your Cache Memory
When you have finished using the My Account online services, you must log off securely by clicking on the Logout button and by emptying your computer's cache memory. The cache is temporary memory in which your computer saves copies of data that you consult during your session. As a result, at the end of a session, it is possible that your computer's cache memory may contain personal information.
In order to ensure that this information remains confidential, we recommend that you empty your computer's cache memory at the end of each session. You must also never leave your computer unsupervised with a My Account session open.
Do not Reply to Unsolicited Messages
We will never send Web pages or unsolicited e-mail messages to users of the My Account electronic services requesting personal information, such as passwords, credit-card numbers or account numbers. If you receive any e-mails you deem questionable requesting information, we recommend that you do not reply to them and contact the company in question by telephone. You should also inform us immediately.
Last update: May, 2013